
Want to know more about Japan


Day 25(8/June/2019) 雨が降りそうな曇り 広尾町―浦幌町




そこから浦幌まで、森、荒野、草原、牧場だけで、ほとんど人家もなく、ましてやコンビニなどなし。交通量も少ない。残り12-13kmという頃、反対車線で荷物をたくさん積んだサイクリストが一生懸命スマホをいじっているのを見つけた。躊躇なくそちらに行って「こんにちは~」と声をかけると驚いたことに女性。いろいろ話を聞いていると、26歳の女性で東京を出発して早2ケ月。本州の太平洋側を北上して、北海道ではすでに札幌、稚内、帯広などをまわってきたらしい。日本一周が目標。基本はキャンプ、どうしても適当な場所がなかったら安宿。「ん~~~女性一人で自転車こいでキャンプ!すごい!オジサンの俺でもキャンプはあきらめたのに!!」と唸ってしまった。「親御さんは心配してないの?」と聞くと、「とても心配しています。」 まあそうだろうな。。。




ルートラボ(Route Lab)



From Hiroo to Urahoro

I left at 840am. Temp:12C. It was cloudy and cold. According to the weather forecast, the probability of rain today was 40%. After one our ride, I found the signboard of Nakagawa Ichiro museum. He was the famous politician in 70s. I realized that he was from this area. I visited there and wondered how many people visit this museum in a year currently.

After this, there were nothing special to Urahoro town. There were forests, grasslands and ranches. No photogenic places.

At the point around 12-13km to today’s destination, I found a cyclist who was checking the smartphone with many luggage. I went closer and said “Hello” and found a cyclist was a lady. She is 26years old, started the journey from Tokyo 2 months ago and visited many places in Hokkaido too. She basically slept in the tent and tried to find the inn if she couldn’t find the suitable place for camping.

I was really surprised that one lady was travelling like this even under the safe circumstance in Japan. I asked, “How are your parents feeling?” She said, “They are worrying!”  Mmmmm I thought so too!

During our chat, the police car came closer and said,"There is a information that the bear crossed the road. Be careful!" There are a lot of news about bear in Hokkaido!

Arrived Urahoro at 1530. Today’s mileage:81km. Tunnel passed:0