
Want to know more about Japan


Day107(5/Sep/2019) 高松―小豆島―姫路(Takamatsu-Shodo Island-Himeji)

(English is available after Japanese.)

715発。26度。晴れ。今日はまずフェリーに乗って小豆島、土庄港(とのしょうこう。昨日までどしょうみなとだと読んでいたけど)へ向けて出発。ここには行きたかった。なぜか? これです。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg-pX4MtKZQ 前奏のナレーションがたまらないですね!「ネオン町」があるかなと、ちょっと探したけど、なーーーんにもなかった。



オリーブ園 / Olive field & Souvenir shop

小豆島では土庄港から反対側の福田港まで28km程を2時間半で行けばいいからラクチンな行程。道も限られているからナビも使う必要なし。1時間ちょっと走ってあと港まで何キロかなー?とチェックすると、道を間違えていた。3kmほど引っ返して正しい道へ。計6kmのロス。ナビによると、このまま走って到着予定時間はフェリー出発の3分前! 乗り遅れたら1時間半待たなければならない。それは嫌だ!それから1時間は全力で頑張りました!「予定通り乗れたら、これからのお前の望みはすべてかなうはずだからヤルンダ!ガンバレ!」と自己暗示にかけながら坂道もひーひー言いながら全く休まず水も飲まず頑張り5分前に到着!間に合った! Day81の鹿児島で指宿行きフェリーに間に合わせるのと同じ経験だった。したがって小豆島の写真はオリーブ園しかない。まあ「私の望みはすべてかなう事になった」ので良しとしよう。



姫路城 / Himeji Castle




天守閣の大黒柱 / Main Pillar in the Castle Tower



好古園 / Koko Japanese Garden



ルートラボ(Route Lab)



715 departure. Temp:26C. Fine day. I would go to Tonosho port in ShodoShima Island. There is a song about this port. That was why I had an interest to go there. The speciality of this island is olive. There are a lot of fields of olive everywhere. Though I just dropped the shop of Olive Park, I didn’t buy anything. Today I had enough time to reach the destination (another port). I should run around 28km for 2hours +.

Since the road was also simple, I didn’t use the navigation. After I run for an hour, I checked where I was. And I realized I was in the wrong road. I should go back around 3km. It meant I lost 6km.

According to the navigation, I would arrive the destination just 3 mins of the departure of ferry boat. For the coming an hour, I pedaled as much as I could. I didn’t get off even at the steep slope. After I spent all energies, I could arrive just 5 mins before the departure.

After 1.5hours journey on the sea, I could arrive Himeji-city. The most famous thing in this city is well-known “Himeji Castle”. This is a national treasure. You can see how this castle is elegant, beautiful and awe-inspiring. All materials of this castle were original around 400 years ago.

Thanks to today’s visit, I knew there was a full-scale renovation 60years ago. The castle was dismantled, all materials were repaired, and they were reconstructed again. It took 8years and around 250k people were involved. This is a real national treasure.

Beside the castle, there was a Japanese garden named “Koko-en”. Although I didn’t expect anything for this garden, I was surprised that it was good. The size was not big but it was really traditional. I liked it.

Today’s mileage:46km, tunnel passed:1