
Want to know more about Japan


Day63(16/July/2019) 敦賀-舞鶴 (Tsuruga-Maizuru)

(English is available after Japanese.)



若狭歴史博物館 / Wakasa History Museum

そこを出る頃になると、益々晴れ渡り若狭湾が大変美しい。と、写真を撮ろうと思ったら、スマホがウンともスンとも言わなくなり電源がはいらない。困った! 多分本体が熱くなったからだろうと自分に言い聞かせ先に進む。



舞鶴引揚記念館 / Maizuru Repatriation Memorial Museum


シベリアでの環境と引き揚げの景色 / Living situation in Siberia & Repatriation in Maizuru port

宿に着いても私のスマホは復活しない。胸が張り裂けそう。明日ドコモショップに持っていこうと調べたら10時が開店。遅すぎる。今日は19時までやっている。まだ間に合う!とスマホを持っていきチェックしてもらったら、店でも電源入らず。結論は、機種買い替え!!胸が張り裂けそう。1か月ほど前に、2度コンクリートに落としたのが致命傷? 思わぬ出費だが、使えなくなったその日に新しいスマホになったからラッキーと前向きに考えよう!





815am departure. Today again it was cloudy! Temp:23C. I hoped it would not rain. Thanks God! The weather was becoming better. Yesterday, I met 2 Frenches in the rain though I didn’t mention yesterday. They were really enjoying the journey despite rain. I thought I should do the same. Although it is rain, strong wind and steep slope, I should enjoy the journey.

In Obama-city, I dropped “Wakasa History Museum”. This area locates in front of Wakasa bay which is rich of marine products. Even 1500years ago, marine products were sent to Nara imperial court from here. Moreover, after the imperial court moved to Kyoto, this area was developed a lot thanks to short distance. They became richer and created a lot of cultural heritages.

After I left this museum, I could see the clear blue sky. Wakasa bay was so beautiful. When I tried to take a photo, I found my smart phone was dead. Due to the heat today? I hoped it would recover sometime later.

When I arrived Maizuru, I found the sign board of “Maizuru Repatriation Memorial Museum”. After WWII, USSR who invaded the territory of Japan against the treaty, they took around 650K Japanese as hostages and forced them work under severe condition in Siberia. 60K people died in the initial year and some people were obliged to be kept for more than 10years. I can’t forgive this treatment by USSR!  I had same feelings at Nosappu(Day29) and Wakkanai(Day39).

After I checked in the hotel today, I brought my smartphone to NTT Docomo shop. Unfortunately, it couldn’t be repaired, and I was obliged to buy new one!! I remembered I dropped it on the concrete road 2 times around one month ago.  

Today’s mileage:97km, tunnels passed:8