
Want to know more about Japan


Day98(27/August/2019) 尾道―今治(Onomichi-Imabari)

(English is available after Japanese.)


渡し船尾道市 / A small ferry boat and Onomichi city

同じ渡し船に乗っていた京都からの学生さん3人と写真。今日今治まで行き、明日またここに帰って来るとの事。雨で残念だね! 私もだけど。。。


3人の若者と会う / I met 3 young cyclists.


因島大橋 / Innoshima Bridge


橋に至る自転車道と橋の中 / Bicycle road to the bridge and in the bridge


生口大橋 / Ikuchi Bridge


国産レモン発祥の地 / Japanese Lemon Birth Place


多田羅大橋と県境 / Tatara Bridge & the border of prefecture


大三島橋 / Ohmishima Bridge


伯方大島大橋 / Hakata Ohshima Bridge


村上水軍博物館と小説 / Murakami Pirates Museum & novels


来島海峡大橋 / Kurushima Channel Bridge



今治造船 / Imabari Ship Building Company


ルートラボ(Route Lab)




I had expected the weather forecast went wrong. But it was true. It was raining from last night and it would continue all day long. I departed at 945 since the rain stopped in a moment. Temp:24C.

I caught the small ferry boat in front of Onomichi station and said “Good-bye” to the fake castle.

In the ferry, I met 3 university students from Kyoto. They also would go to Imabari today. They were unlucky due to the rain. Off course, me too!

After some time, I could see the “Innoshima Bridge”. It was huge and great! Since the bridge was huge, it located at the higher position. The comfortable bicycle road was built to reach each bridge. The bicycle road existed beneath the automobile road of the bridge.

The 2nd one was “Ikuchi Bridge”. This island was the birthplace of Japanese lemon”. There was a pretty lemon monument. The 3rd one was “Tatara Bridge”. In the middle of this bridge, there was the border of prefectures of Hiroshima and Ehime. The 4th one was “Hakata-Ohmishima Bridge”. The 5th was “Hakata Oshima Bridge”.

After the 5th bridge, there was a sign board “Murakami Pirates Museum”. I had interests and tried to go. Murakami Pirates controlled the Setouchi Sea Area since 14C. And they also influenced on lords in the area. They could control the sea. Coincidently I am reading the novel of this pirate. I should come here after I completed the novel.

The last one was “Kurushima Channel Bridge”. This bridge was the longest and best one in this “Shimanami Sea-Road”. I was very impressed by this Sea-Road. The views were obvious and nothings to say. They were beautiful and breathtaking. If it was fine day, my impression was multiplied more than 10times.

In Imabari, Imabari shipbuilding is famous.

Today’s mileage:82km, tunnel passed:0