
Want to know more about Japan


Day115(13/Sep/2019) 多気―桑名(Taki-Kuwana)

(English is available after Japanese.)





松浦武四郎記念館 / Matsuura Takeshiro Memorial Museum



武四郎による北海道の地図 / Map of Hokkaido made by Takeshiro



四日市工業地帯 / Industrial Area in Yokkaichi city




改築中の桑名駅 / Rebuilding Kuwana station

で、雨はどうなったか? 熊野三山のご加護で、雨は降らずメデタシ、メデタシ。ありがとう熊野三山様。年末ジャンボもよろしくお願いします。


ルートラボ(Route Lab)



According to the weather forecast, it would rain today. It was raining this morning in Owase, where I stayed yesterday. I wanted to move as far as possible before the rain started. 820departure. Temp:25C. When I started, the very light rain began. I prayed to Gods of Kumano Sanzan not to rain.

In Matsuzaka city, I was surprised to find the sign board for someone’s memorial museum. He was Takeshiro Matsuura who named “Hokkaido”. I introduced him on Day41 in Hokkaido. After 70days, I met him again here. It was unbelievable.

In 1830, there was a big boom of pilgrims to Ise Jingu shrine. More than 4mill people visited to the shrine through Matsuzaka city. At that time, Takeshiro was 13 years old in this city. He was influenced by the people from outside and he himself wanted to see the outside eagerly. He started to walk around all over Japan from age17. He almost completed to visit Japan except for Hokkaido before age 26. After that,  he started to visit Hokkaido at year 26. He visited 6 times totally and walked everywhere. He made the very detailed map of Hokkaido with names of places and the report about local domain’s evil deeds against original inhabitants. Unfortunately, this report was not in public before he died.

In Yokkaichi-city, there was an industrial area. There were big chimneys and a lot of trucks were passing on the road. The base of industry in Japan was made by physical works with uniforms and a lot of sweats.

Finally, I arrived Kuwana station. Thanks to Gods, it didn’t rain today.

Today’s mileage: 76km, tunnel passed:0