
Want to know more about Japan


Day88(17/August/2019) 美里―長洲―諫早(Misato-Nagasu-Isahaya)

(English is available after Japanese.)




山の上までつながるミカン畑 / Mandarin orange fields cover the mountain



長洲港 / Nagasu Port

50分ほどの船旅で対岸の雲仙市多比良港に到着。ここから、急に漕ぐのがきつくなった。やはり一週間以上も、のほほ~~~んと過ごしていると体がついて行けなくなっている。さらに実家を目指して東北、北海道、日本海、山陰、九州と回って来て熊本で激励会もやってもらって達成感があったのかもしれない。これはまさにオリンピックに出場し目標を達成し次のオリンピックへのモチベーションを維持するのに苦労するオリンピアンと同じではないか! 私もついにオリンピアンの域に達したのかもしれない!これからモチベーションを上げていかなければ、本当の栄光はナイ! 



諫早堤防の場所 / Isahaya Embankment place


諫早堤防とその内側 / Isahaya Embankment & area closed




眼鏡橋  / Stone Arch Bridge



諫早駅 / Isahaya Station


ルートラボ(Route Lab)



Typhoon No.10 didn’t cause serious damages in Kyushu area on 15/Aug and my family left for kanagawa pref. yesterday. I decided to resume the journey from today. During one-week holidays in my home town, I replaced several parts of my bicycle. But I didn’t ride at all. In order to move during cool timing, I left at 623am. Temp:23C. It was cool this morning.

To go to Nagasaki prefecture, I took the route via Nagasu port by using a ferry boat. I used the sea-side road behind Mt.Kinbo (a kind of symbol of Kumamoto city). This area is famous as the producing area of mandarin orange and was used as the location of the famous TV drama this year. The mountain is covered by mandarin orange fields.

After 4 hours, I arrived Nagasu port and took the ferry boat from here, After I resumed the cycling after arrival, I felt tiredness. This might be due to no-training for last 1 week. I realized the continuous training was very important for daily activities.

On the way to the destination, I visited Isahaya-Embankment. In order to enlarge the agricultural area of Nagasaki prefecture, the plan of reclamation was announced more than 60years ago and it was started 30years ago. Finally, it was completed 20years ago. However, after the completion, many damages of fishery industry were reported. After that, fishery industry side and the central government had many court cases. The point was to reopen the gate of embankment or to keep as it was. Finally, this year the supreme court made the decision of keeping as it was.

In Isahaya, I found the beautiful stone arch bridge which was certified as the national treasure in 1958. This is the first national treasure of stone bridge in Japan.

I arrived Isahaya station before 1500pm. It was a long cycling today as the 1st day of comeback!

Today’s mileage:105km, tunnels passed:3